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- Destination X Reivew
- Dixie’s Army of Extreme
- Wolves / Hardys
- X-Division qualifiers
- Eight man extreme weapons hardcore war
- My Girl
- Lashley / Aries
- Ratings
- This Week in TNA History
- Hardy / Jarrett
- Eight man X-Division tag
- Main Event Mafia / World Elite alliance
- Matt Morgan / AJ Styles best of three
- Dr. Stevie bounty
- Sting / Magnus
- August 1 Warning
- Champion vs Champion
- News and Rumors
- Chis Melendez on Fox and Friends
- H????
- Jim Ross
- Barry Scott
- Amazing Race
- Competition’s B-Show to Thursdays?
- #ItHappens
- X-Division title match
- X-travaganza