Free Person Shooter

Free Person Shooter is a first person shooter developed using free assets from the Unity Asset Store and Incompetech (Kevin McLeoud) music.  You must save the world by activating the five satellite dishes.






Dream World

Dream World


Adventure through the connected dream worlds to find the clarity of your true reality.   Dream World was my submission for Ludum Dare #30.

Arrow Keys to move
Spacebar to Jump

Tools used:
Engine – Stencyl 3.1.0 (used standard behaviors such as “Jump and Run Movement”)
Audio – Audacity 2.0.3, Bfxr 1.3.3, Garage Band (Mac)
Graphics – Taron’s Verve Painter 0.99u.12, Gimp 2.8, Inkscape 0.48, Spriter b10

Dream World Day One Announcement

For the Connected Worlds theme, I decided to create a game that explores the connection between the real world and the dream world. You play as a stuffed bear who must collect Z’s and avoid the nightmare rabbits. Little Nemo was one of my favorite games for the NES, so I am drawing a lot of inspiration from that game.



Play on Newgrounds
Play on StencylForge




Turn Back the Clocks 2

Turn Back the Clocks is a series of games that I have developed for the 0h (Zero Hour) game jam. The objective of the game jam is to develop a game during the autumn time change, so development starts at 2am and ends at the same time, 2am. For the last two games, I have improved upon the game after the competition is over.

Turn Back the Clocks 2

This was a simple game where you press each of the clocks to set the time from 2 o’clock to 1 o’clock.  The color of the clock changes from red to green as you press them.  The clock reverts back to its original state after a period of time.  This game was developed for 0hgame jam 2014.

Turn Back the Clocks 2

