New Online KMap Solver
This new and improved KMap solver was rewritten using Javascript and HTML5 Canvas. This tool should be much more efficient and responsive than the original version that I wrote twelve years ago. Click the cells to switch each value between a zero and one.
The prime implicants are updated in real time to the right. Essentials are displayed in red and Non-essentials are displayed in orange. Click the circle next to each implicant to display which cells that implicant covers.
Currently, this tool only solves 4×4 Karnaugh maps. I hope to update it to allow the user to specify the number of rows and columns.
Original Java KMap Solver Applet
This is a simple Java applet that I wrote to solve Karnaugh maps. Simply click on a cell to change the value from zero to one. Once cells are selected their color changes to red. The “circles” to solve the KMap are displayed in a list to the left of the grid. Select a value from that list will display that “circle” in blue.
Unfortunately, over time Java applets have become much more restricted in web browsers. In order to run this version, you will need to change your Java security settings to allow applets to run in your browser. Newer browsers may disable Java applets entirely, which is why I rewrote this tool using Javascript and HTML5 Canvas.
Old KMap Solver Java applet (to be uploaded)
Requires Java Runtime Environment plugin installed and enabled in web browser.