Fifty Flags

2017 Fifty Flags Remake

Match the flags of the United States of America with the state that each represents.

Easy mode will display the name of the state at the top of the screen. Normal mode will hide state names on flags.

After successfully identifying all fifty flags, the amount of time for each state will be displayed along with the total time and number of mistakes made.

Playing on any mode allows name and time to be submitted to the leaderboard. Score submission is currently not available for the WebGL build.

2013 Flag Simulation

This is a simple demo that I wrote for the Ludum Dare 28 warmup. While creating this demo, I learned about using the InteractiveCloth object in Unity. If you think you have a hoss system, try turning on wind. The wind effect seemed to work really well with a few flags, but it caused considerable slowdown on my system once many more flags were added. I did add the capability to turn the wind effects on and off, and wind is off by default. I would like to add code to only apply the wind effects to the flags that are near (and in front of) the camera.


flags_004 flags_005

flags_002 flags_003



Falling Blocks

A falling blocks game that I wrote to demonstrate usage of HTML5 and Canvas to make an interactive game that runs in a web browser.  Use the keyboard left and right keys to move pieces, press the up key to rotate a piece, and press the down key to drop a piece.  Dropping pieces and completing lines increases your score.  After completing every 10 lines the speed of the game increases which makes the game more difficult as the player progresses.

Web browser must support HTML5 and Canvas







Express Lane

Express Lane

Express Lane is a supermarket checkout simulator.  This project started as a spinoff to the Bag Boy game.  The player can control many different aspects of the checkout simulation.

Each customer has a number of items in their cart.  Customers will pick the optimal lane for checkout depending on the number of items in their cart.  Each customer has a happiness value that starts at 100 and gradually reduces to zero.  When the happiness value reaches zero the customer will leave the store without paying.  The rate of customers entering the checkout area can be increased or decreased by the player.

Lanes can be added and removed.  When a new lane is added, it is initially set to closed, and the lane light will be red.  When the lane is opened, the light will change to green and customers will be able to enter the lane.

An express flag can be set for a lane, so the number of items in a customer’s cart must be equal or less than the lane express limit.  The express limit can be increased or decreased.

Each lane has a cashier, who has a speed rating.  A higher rating means that the cashier will ring up items more quickly, which reduces the chances that the customer will leave unhappy.  As a customer rings up an item, the item will be placed in a bag based on the type of item.  Items are separated based on whether they are fragile, poisonous, meat, or vegetable.

There are currently two views in the game.  The first view is a textual listing of each of the lanes will all of the customers and bags lists.  The second view is a 3D view showing all of the lanes and customers.  In the 3D view, the player has to option to control by overhead view or first person view.



